Call for nominations for appointment to the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee (2024-2027)

The Minister for Planning will soon call for Expressions of Interest for appointment to the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee for the next three-year term, 2024–2027.

The call for Expressions of Interest will be advertised on the Diversity Register and JobsACT in February 2024.

If you would like to be alerted when this opportunity is open, please email with #PNAC2024 and we will send you the link when it is active.

The committee will operate to a new revised Terms of Reference (2024-2027) effective 1 July 2024.

About place names in the ACT and the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee

The ACT Place Names Advisory Committee (PNAC) provides advice to establish policies for the naming of divisions (suburbs) and public places on Territory Land in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT).

Members (2021-2024 term)

The committee is appointed by the Minister for Planning and Land Management to advise on the naming of suburbs, public places, geographical features and contentious naming matters. The current members are:

  • Mr Greg Ledwidge, Surveyor-General of the ACT (Co-chair)
  • Dr Marilyn Truscott (Co-chair)
  • Mr Bradley Mapiva Brown
  • Ms Roslyn Dundas
  • Mr Mainul Haque, OAM
  • Mr Paul Hutchison
  • Mr Allen Mawer
  • Dr Anne McGrath
  • Mr Tom McIlroy
  • Mr Andrew Smith
  • Ms Rebecca Sorensen
  • Ms Caterina Sullivan

The committee has been appointed until 30 June 2024.


  • Committee Secretariat support is provided by the Place Names Unit within the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate.
  • The Committee Secretariat can be contacted at

Committee responsibilities

The Terms of Reference for the PNAC are to:

  • establish policies and guidelines for the determination of place names for Territory land in the ACT, including suburbs (divisions), roads, public places and geographic features, and
  • provide recommendations to the Minister or his delegate on place names for Territory land in the ACT.
Terms of Reference (2021-2024 term)

Effective to 30 June 2024

Role of the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee

The Committee has been established to:

  1. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on all proposals for division (suburb) and public place names on Territory land in the ACT.
  2. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on the development of policies and processes relating to the naming of divisions and public places.
  3. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on nomenclature themes to be adopted for naming roads and other public places on Territory land in the ACT.
  4. Advise the ACT Place Names Unit on proposed commemorations or matters brought before members at Committee meetings or by email.
  5. Consider and advise on place name issues that arise from time to time.
  6. Review proposed names for new roads and other public places and provide guidance to the Place Names Unit as required.
  7. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on contentious place naming issues.

Responsibilities of the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee

  1. To assess the suitability of eminent Australians and Australiana, or things characteristic of Australia, for commemoration in ACT nomenclature.
  2. When selecting or endorsing draft division or public place names, the Committee must consider the provisions of the Public Place Names Act 1989 and relevant addressing policies, guidelines and standards.
  3. To be cognisant of current community sensitivities including advising the Minister or delegate on contentious place naming issues.

Membership and expertise

  1. Membership is appointed by the Minister, for a three-year period, following a public expression of interest process and may consist of:
    • the Surveyor-General of the ACT;
    • a representative with an understanding of local heritage;
    • representatives with a background in, or knowledge of, Australian history (local and/or national);
    • a representative from the local media;
    • a representative with a multicultural background;
    • an Indigenous representative;
    • a person with a background in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures;
    • a young adult person;
    • a representative of the National Capital Authority.

    Membership of the Committee is on a voluntary basis. There is no minimum or maximum membership and two or more people can be appointed to fulfil each category.

    Members of the Committee are appointed in accordance with the Governance Principles, Appointments, Boards and Committees in the ACT.


  2. The Minister may appoint:
    • a co-chairperson with relevant experience nominated at the first meeting of the new Committee and
    • a co-chairperson being the Surveyor-General of the ACT.

    Operation of the Committee

  3. The Committee will meet when convened by the co-chair, but at least twice a year.
  4. As well as Committee members, Committee meetings may be attended by invited members of the public or organisations as observers.
  5. Committee secretariat support shall be provided by the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Place Names Unit.
  6. The secretariat shall take minutes of Committee meetings to be presented, with an information brief, to the Minister (or Minister's delegate) to consider Committee recommendations.
  7. The conditions required for a meeting shall be the attendance of
    • At least one co-chair and
    • 50% of the membership of the Committee.
  8. Members will be expected to regularly attend meetings and provide advice on place names matters via electronic means on a regular and timely basis.
  9. The degree to which each member is contributing to the output of the Committee may be monitored by the co-chair.
  10. Members may be called upon occasionally to speak publicly on behalf of the Committee. Depending upon the subject this will be the most appropriate member as deemed by the Committee co-chair.
  11. Where the Committee is unable to reach clear agreement on a division name, or public place name, the co-chair will either:
    • Defer the issue to the following meeting if time allows;
    • Suggest the issue be further researched and a decision made out of session;
    • Refer to the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) with recommendations highlighting dissenting views; or
    • Reject the name.

Review and Assessment of the Committee performance

  1. The Committee's compliance with relevant policies and legislation is evaluated by the Minister when advice and recommendations are reviewed.
  2. The Committee shall report on its activities through the Annual Report of the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate.
  3. Committee minutes are reviewed by the Minister.


  1. The members are entitled to a participation payment from the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate.
  2. The participation payment policy and claim forms are available from the Committee Secretariat.
  3. Payments will be coordinated by the Secretariat.
  4. The participation payment is in recognition of the work undertaken by members of the Committee to fulfil its role.
Terms of Reference (2024-2027 term)

Effective from 1 July 2024


The ACT Place Names Advisory Committee (hereafter the Committee) is a non-statutory committee appointed by the responsible Minister.

This document sets out the roles and responsibilities of the Committee.

It provides guidance on the Committee's purpose, membership, roles, responsibilities, operations, tenure and obligations.

Role of the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee

  1. The Committee has been established to:
    1. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on all proposals for division (suburb) and public place names on Territory land in the ACT.
    2. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on the development of policies and processes relating to the naming of divisions and public places.
    3. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on nomenclature themes to be adopted for naming roads and other public places on Territory land in the ACT.
    4. Advise the ACT Place Names Unit on proposed commemorations or matters brought before members at Committee meetings or out of session by email.
    5. Consider and advise on place name issues that arise from time to time.
    6. Review proposed names for new roads and other public places and provide guidance to the ACT Place Names Unit as required.
    7. Advise the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) on contentious place naming issues.

Responsibilities of the ACT Place Names Advisory Committee

  1. To fulfil the role outlined above, and advocate for the integrity of place naming in the ACT.
  2. To consider opportunities for new place names with regard to the criteria in the Public Place Names Act 1989.
  3. To assess the suitability of notable and/or famous Australians, or things characteristic of Australia, for commemoration in ACT nomenclature.
  4. To have regard to Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander vocabulary when considering the naming of a public place.
  5. To initiate opportunities to name an unnamed public place and/or nominate a name for consideration.
  6. When selecting or endorsing draft division, or draft public place names, the Committee must consider the provisions of the Public Place Names Act 1989 and relevant addressing policies, guidelines and standards.
  7. To be cognisant of current community sensitivities including advising the responsible Minister (or Minister’s delegate) on contentious place naming issues.
  8. To review the Terms of Reference mid committee term.

Membership and expertise

  1. Membership is appointed by the responsible Minister, for a three-year period, following a public expression of interest process and may consist of:
    • the Surveyor-General of the ACT
    • a representative with an understanding of local heritage
    • representatives with a background in, or knowledge of, Australian history (local and/or national)
    • an Indigenous representative having a traditional connection to the lands of the ACT and region
    • a representative with a background in Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultures
    • a representative with a culturally and/or linguistically diverse background
    • a representative from the local media
    • a young adult person and
    • a representative of the National Capital Authority.
  2. To facilitate a merit selection process for appointment to the Committee, nominations will be assessed against advertised selection criteria including, but not limited to:
    • Representing specific areas of expertise and backgrounds identified above
    • Demonstrated active connection with, and passion for, the local community
    • Commitment to equality and reconciliation and
    • Ability and commitment to contribute to the Committee’s role and responsibilities.
  3. There is no minimum or maximum membership, and two or more people can be appointed to fulfil each representation category. At least three people should be appointed with an understanding/background/knowledge in local heritage and/or Australian history.
  4. Members of the Committee are appointed in accordance with the Governance Principles – Appointments, Boards and Committees in the ACT.
  5. Members must be either ACT residents; work, study or volunteer in the ACT; or demonstrate another significant connection and commitment to the ACT.
  6. Committee Secretariat support shall be provided by the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate (or its successors) Place Names Unit.


  1. The responsible Minister may appoint:
    • a Co-chair with relevant experience nominated at the first meeting of the new Committee and
    • a Co-chair being the Surveyor-General of the ACT.
  2. The role of the Co-chair is to:
    • Act as a public spokesperson for the Committee
    • Facilitate orderly and constructive discussions between members on matters within the Committee Terms of Reference
    • Assist members to work together as a group by facilitating discussion, ensuring all members have equal opportunity to contribute ideas, opinions and concerns, and drawing participation from all members
    • Maintain a positive and constructive atmosphere at Committee meetings by encouraging courtesy, respect and openness
    • Ensure that any action required is appropriately assigned and
    • Liaise with the Secretariat to develop meeting agendas and ensure the progression of actions arising from meetings.

Role of Members

  1. Members are required to actively contribute to the work of the Committee, which includes:
    • Taking part in the consideration of place naming matters and responding to requests for advice at meetings and via email
    • Supporting the Co-chairs
    • Maintaining links with the community and
    • Acting in accordance with the provisions of the Terms of Reference.

Operation of the Committee

  1. The Committee will meet when convened by the co-chairs, but at least three times a year.
  2. In addition to scheduled meetings, out-of-session advice will be requested from members via email on place naming matters to ensure timely provision of advice to the ACT Place Names Unit and advice from the Committee to the responsible Minister.
  3. In addition to the attendance of Committee members, Committee meetings may be attended by invited members of the public or organisations as observers and/or to present items for consideration.
  4. The Secretariat shall take minutes of Committee meetings to be presented, with an information brief, to the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) to consider Committee recommendations.
  5. The conditions required for a meeting shall be the attendance of
    • At least one Co-chair and
    • 50 per cent of the membership of the Committee.
  6. Members must not speak publicly on behalf of the Committee without prior written consent from the Co-chair, Surveyor-General. The Committee may be called upon occasionally to speak publicly. Depending upon the subject this will be the most appropriate member as deemed by the Committee Co-chair, Surveyor-General.
  7. Where the Committee is unable to reach clear agreement on a recommendation for a division name, or public place name, the Co-chairs will either:
    • Defer the issue to the following meeting if time allows
    • Suggest the issue be further researched and a decision sought out of session
    • Refer to the responsible Minister (or Minister's delegate) with recommendations highlighting dissenting views or
    • Reject the name.

Leave of absence and apologies

  1. Where a member is unable to attend a meeting, the member is required to submit an apology to the Secretariat or Committee Co-chair. Apologies must be noted in the minutes.
  2. Members who have submitted an apology and are unable to attend the meeting are able to provide comments to the meeting agenda items and papers to the Secretariat prior to the meeting. The Co-chair(s) will convey the absent members comments at the meeting on the absent members behalf.
  3. Members may apply to the Committee Co-chair for a Leave of Absence for up to three months. The Committee Co-chair must agree to a request for a Leave of Absence for it to be effective.
  4. Applications for a Leave of Absence for a period longer than three months may be submitted for acceptance at the responsible Minister’s discretion.

Vacation of Office

  1. Members may resign from the Committee at any time during the appointment term, provided they notify the responsible Minister in writing, stating their intention to resign from the Committee, with a copy to the Co-Chair, at least four weeks prior to the date of resignation.
  2. The appointment of replacement members during a committee term is at the discretion of the Minister.

Review and Assessment of the Committee Performance

  1. The Committee shall report on its activities through the Annual Report of the Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate.
  2. Committee meeting minutes are reviewed by the responsible Minister.
  3. The degree to which each member is contributing to the role and responsibilities of the Committee may be monitored by the Co-chair. If the Co-chair, Surveyor-General considers a member is not actively contributing, the Co-chair will confidentially raise the matter with the member in question. The Co-chair, Surveyor-General may refer the issue to the responsible Minister for their consideration and possible remedial action.
  4. The Committee's compliance with relevant policies and legislation is evaluated by the responsible Minister when advice and recommendations are reviewed.
  5. The responsible Minister may direct an evaluation be undertaken regarding the Committee’s performance, which may include a review of the Terms of Reference.


  1. The eligible members will be remunerated at a rate determined by the ACT Remuneration Tribunal, Determination for Part Time Public Office Holders. This determination includes recognition of the member’s out of-session contributions.
  2. Payments will be coordinated by the Secretariat.
  3. Remuneration to eligible members is optional. A member must advise the Secretariat in writing if they wish to receive or not receive remuneration for their service to the Committee.

PNAC meets on an as required basis or at least twice a year. A meeting is arranged whenever issues arise that need a consensus of opinion from the Committee. Issues that would require a meeting may include:

  • discussion on and formulation of place names policies
  • contentious issues
  • discussion on new suburb names and/or themes

Advice is sought from Indigenous Elders, nominated experts (historians and cultural experts) from external agencies, organisations and community groups when required.

The Public Place Names (Naming of Public Places) Guidelines 2021 detail the established policies for the naming of new divisions, roads and other public places in the ACT.