When a place or object has heritage status, the ACT Heritage Council advises on proposed development to improve conservation outcomes, and also issues Heritage Act 2004 approvals required for works to proceed.

Development that has the potential to affect the heritage values of a place includes:

  • works such as demolition, building additions and alterations, changing appearance of a building, earthworks, removal of mature plantings, re-landscaping, unapproved burning or land clearing
  • a variation of a lease on the land
  • a change in use of the land for an activity not authorised by the lease
  • use of unleased land that is not authorised by a permit or licence

Find out about heritage places or objects

When considering a development, you should:

  • check if a place or object is afforded protection by the Heritage Act, by checking the ACT Heritage Register and ACTmapi (Heritage)
  • get a copy of the Heritage Register entry and heritage guidelines, which set out heritage requirements that may affect proposed development (such as alterations, additions, new buildings, demotion, landscaping, site coverage and setbacks)
  • get a copy of the Conservation Management Plan for the place if applicable
  • consider getting specialist advice when still deciding on your proposal, such as from the Heritage Advisory Service or from heritage consultants
  • seek advice about whether the proposed activity will require Heritage Act approval or development approval
  • seek advice about whether the proposal will be consistent with the heritage values of the place by emailing heritage@act.gov.au

Heritage approvals

Where development may diminish the heritage significance of a registered place or object, or damage an Aboriginal place or object, Heritage Act approval from the ACT Heritage Council is required.

Approvals can include:

  • Statement of Heritage Effects – where approval for heritage impacts is sought, on the basis that there are no reasonably practicable alternatives to detrimental heritage impacts.
  • Excavation Permits – where archaeological excavation is required to adequately assess the heritage significance of a place and potential development impacts

Development applications for heritage places and objects are also referred to the Heritage Council for advice on:

  • the effect of a development on the heritage significance
  • ways to avoid or minimise impact on heritage significance

The Heritage Council may recommend conditions on any approval of the development, including:

  • measures to conserve the heritage significance of the place or object
  • conservation requirements under applicable heritage guidelines and/or a Conservation Management Plan

The advice of the ACT Heritage Council must be considered by the ACT Planning and Land Authority when deciding to approve or refuse a development application.

More information

Find out more at the Heritage Advisory Service.