Stage 1 - Expression of interest evaluation criteria

Criteria 1: Project objectives

The proposal must achieve one or more of the objectives outlined by the Legislative Assembly Resolution:

  • excellence in design quality
  • carbon neutral buildings
  • medium density infill
  • innovative planning and engagement approaches
  • innovative housing products and typologies
  • close partnership with industry bodies and
  • options for public and affordable housing.

Criteria 2: Demonstration Housing concept

The proposal must include:

  • site block and section numbers
  • a sketch plan of the proposed development
  • indicative development program (community consultation, development statutory approvals and milestones for development on site) at a minimum
  • tenure type and
  • outline of current planning rules which do not permit the concept design in residential zones.

Criteria 3: Delivery capability

The proponent must demonstrate the ability to:

  • finance the planning/design and construction of the development on the site and
  • either provide details of the existing governance framework, or a planned governance framework to oversee planning, construction and post construction (if required).

Criteria 4: Experience

The proponent must demonstrate evidence outlining:

  • relevant past experience and
  • capability of the project team and design team in delivering demonstration or innovative projects.