• A custodian is an administrative unit or entity that has responsibility for an area of land.
  • It’s important to know who the custodian of a land is so that you can get permission to develop on the land.

Sometimes you might want to use public or unleased Territory land for a development. Before leasing an area, you'll need to consider the custodianship of the land.


A custodian is an administrative unit or entity that has responsibility for an area of land.

The custodian signs development applications (DA) for public land or unleased land. They are also responsible for drafting a plan of management if the area is public land.

The custodian will be marked clearly on a custodianship map.

Land custodianship map

A custodianship map shows you the custodian for a piece of land that is public or unleased. You can view ACT custodians on the ACTmapi Land Custodianship Map.

Licences for unleased land

Sometimes you might find you are looking to develop on unleased land. You'll need written consent from the land custodian. After you have received written consent, you can apply for a licence to occupy or use unleased Territory land.

Licences for public land

Sometimes you may be granted a licence for all or part of your land. Your application will not be approved unless the Conservator of Flora and Fauna provides written approval.

Not all public land can be licenced. You won't have a licence granted if the public land is reserved under the Territory Plan 2023 as a wilderness area.