Belconnen district profile

Stylised map of the ACT region, with the Belconnen district highlighted, and statistics about the disrict as detailed in the table on this page.

DistrictBelconnenGungahlin Molonglo Valley North Canberra South CanberraTuggeranong Weston Creek Woden Valley
Population in 2017 98,740 75,516 5,847 55,124 28,511 85,422 23,066 35,642
Population in 2017 - % of ACT share 24.07 18.41 1.43 13.44 6.95 20.82 5.62 8.69
Projected population by 2041 128,000 100,200 51,400 78,700 40,300 100,600 33,200 49,200
Projected population by 2041 - % of ACT share 21.73 17.01 8.73 13.36 6.84 17.08 5.64 8.35
Median age (2016 Census) 34 31 30 31 40 36 41 39
Employment 30,207 14,806 342 70,705 53,210 19,926 4,483 24,510
Employment - % of ACT share 12.85 6.3 .15 30.09 22.64 8.48 1.9 10.43
Low density housing 71 64 39 42 42 82 81 62
Medium density housing % 17 27 25 17 13 15 17 21
Higher density housing % 12 9 36 41 45 3 2 17
People per household % 2.6 2.9 2.5 2.2 2.2 2.7 2.5 2.4
Private dwellings - % of urban share 23.9 16 1.2 14.3 8.4 20.4 5.8 9.3
Tree canopy - ACT vegetation over 3m 20 11.2 13.3 24.3 20.3 21.4 24.9 25.3
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