Strategic directions

The following five themes and the actions under each direction build on Canberra's key strengths — its liveability, natural environment, accessibility, knowledge-based economy and its position within a diverse and thriving region.

The issues we will address are interrelated, as are the actions, so each action contributes to the delivery of the five strategic directions.

1. Compact and Efficient City 2. Diverse Canberra 3. Sustainable and Resilient Territory 4. Liveable Canberra 5. Accessible Canberra
1.1 Support sustainable urban growth by working towards delivering up to 70% of new housing within our existing urban footprint, and by concentrating development in areas located close to the city centre, town and group centres and along key transit corridors. 2.1 Respect Canberra's culturally rich and diverse community to foster inclusion and participation in our community. 3.1 Transitioning to a net zero emissions city through the uptake of renewable energy, improved building design and transport initiatives. 4.1 Deliver social infrastructure that meets community needs and supports strong communities. 5.1 Enhance accessibility by better integrating transport and land use.
1.2 Investigate the potential for new residential areas to the west of the city to meet future housing need. 2.2 Enhance the diversity and resilience of our centres to meet the needs of the community, support economic viability and improved liveability. 3.2 Reduce vulnerability to natural hazard events and adapt to climate change. 4.2 Deliver recreation, open (green)space, and public spaces that support social interaction, physical and mental health and engagement in public life. 5.2 Deliver well designed, safe and sustainable streets and public spaces to create walkable neighbourhoods that are inclusive and fair.
1.3 Use infrastructure efficiently to support our growing community. 2.3 Improve the character of our city centre to improve liveability and activity. 3.3 Integrate living infrastructure and sustainable design to make Canberra a resilient city within the landscape. 4.3 Strengthen neighbourhoods and support their diverse character by creating strong local activity hubs. 5.3 Create a better experience for walking and cycling into and within the city centre and our town centres.
1.4 Continue to work with the NSW Government and Councils to implement joint initiatives to understand and manage growth in the Canberra Region. 2.4 Recognise and protect existing industrial, commercial and service trade areas as important elements of a diverse economy. 3.4 Plan for integrated water cycle management to support healthy waterways and a liveable city. 4.4 Deliver housing that is diverse and affordable to support a liveable city.
1.5 Protect the ACT and NSW border interface. 2.5 Plan for adequate employment land in the right location that supports a diverse range of uses including commercial and industrial land linked to supportive infrastructure, transport options and investment opportunities. 3.5 Protect biodiversity and enhance habitat connectivity to improve landscape resilience. 4.5 Encourage high quality design, built form and places for a changing climate.
2.6 Protect and enhance infrastructure that supports the economic development of Canberra and the region. 3.6 Reduce waste, improve resource efficiency and decrease our ecological footprint.
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